Gonzalo Benegas

Postdoc @ UC Berkeley


Hello! I’m a postdoc at UC Berkeley, working with Yun S. Song. My main interests are applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence in genomics.

I received my PhD in Computational Biology at UC Berkeley and my Licentiate degree in Computer Science at the University of Buenos Aires. Previously, I worked as a software engineer at Urbansim and Autodesk.

selected publications


  1. gpnmsa.png
    A DNA language model based on multispecies alignment predicts the effects of genome-wide variants
    Gonzalo Benegas, Carlos Albors, Alan J Aw, Chengzhong Ye, and Yun S Song
    Nature Biotechnology, 2025
  2. tig_review.jpg
    Genomic language models: opportunities and challenges
    Gonzalo Benegas*, Chengzhong Ye*, Carlos Albors*, Jianan Canal Li*, and Yun S Song
    Trends in Genetics, 2025


  1. gpn_logo.png
    DNA language models are powerful predictors of genome-wide variant effects
    Gonzalo Benegas, Sanjit Singh Batra, and Yun S. Song
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2023


  1. scquint.jpg
    Robust and annotation-free analysis of alternative splicing across diverse cell types in mice
    Gonzalo Benegas, Jonathan Fischer, and Yun S Song
    eLife, Mar 2022